Easter 2024: There's More

Maybe I was dropped on my head as a child, or maybe I stayed on the Tilt-A-whirl too long, but for as long as I can remember I’ve believed there was something more to life than what I could see. Waterfalls and waves whispered the secret, sticks and rocks pointed me beyond. Sunrises and sunrises invited me to imagine what lay beyond the horizon, and each authentic conversation or genuine act of kindness suggested what the church could be.

Sometimes, the mirror I carry grows too big for me to see beyond its frame, the worldly sounds drown out the songs of the birds, but then something happens, someone comes along, and reminds me that beyond it all there’s more.

Of all that’s been said of Easter, all that’s been written or sung, this is the truth that lies beyond it all. Beyond the dramatic events of Holy Week – the triumphant entrance, confrontational teachings, solemn meal, heartbreaking betrayal, let alone the arrest, denials, and death – there lies an empty tomb. The body’s gone, a blood-stained cloth the only reminder of what happened. But it’s in that emptiness that God is most visible, in the silence of that morning that God speaks loudest: “Death’s not the end. There’s more!”

            Thanks be to God.